Garry Janzen – Life Enrichment Coordinator

Garry Janzen is the newest member of the Menno Place team! He is the Life Enrichment Coordinator for Menno Home and Menno Hospital.

The Life Enrichment Coordinator is the first person you will meet when you move to Menno Place. With the goal of helping you navigate the transition, the LEC will be an excellent resource for you as you or your loved one adjusts to your life on this Campus of Care.

He has spent the last ten years in pastoral ministry, and prior to that worked 25 years in the business community.
We are thrilled to welcome Garry to the team, and he’s answered a couple questions so that we can get to know him better…

Q: What’s your favourite holiday?

A: Christmas is always a special time.

Q: What did you want to be when you were a child?

A:  A land baron who made lots of money.

Q: What was your first job?

A: Cutting lawns in the neighborhood after school, five days a week.

Q: Where is your dream vacation spot?

A: Thailand is great, the Dominican is beautiful, Mexico is fun… but I really enjoy Hawaii. Someday maybe we can get to Europe.

Q: What are some small things that make your day better?

A: People are important to me, relationships matter. I enjoy listening and encouraging others every day if I can.

Q: What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

A: When you are confused about your future and unsure what to do, keep moving forward and don’t be afraid of change or transitions.

Q: What is your favourite thing about working at Menno Place?

A: My role allows me to interact with many people, hopefully encouraging them, being a welcoming presence, helping them with their questions and making sure our residents are not forgotten.

Q: What are you looking forward to in the next year?

A: I am just getting started, so I am looking forward to feeling confident in my role and being able to see what contribution I have made as part of the team.