Are you 45+ and living in Abbotsford?

Please complete our survey to help us find out how to make Abbotsford a more Age Friendly community. As Abbotsford’s population is aging, Abbotsford is embarking on creating an age friendly strategy that will help us meet the needs of older residents. Through the survey we hope to gain information about what it is like to be an older person in Abbotsford, and discover how we might need to adapt services, recreation, housing and the physical environment to support older residents to live a healthy life! If you are 45 years plus, please help us. Surveys due by November 9th, 2016.



Online Survey

PDF Survey

Return completed PDF survey to:

Abbotsford City Hall

3rd Floor, 32315 South Fraser Way

Abbotsford, BC, V2T 1S7

Attention: Community Developer